Our Lawn Care Blog

Check out our blog posts on lawn care to learn more about what you can do to keep your yard in tip-top shape throughout the year. These helpful tips & tricks come straight from the professionals!​​

dogwood tree
5 Best Trees to Plant in Roanoke, VA

Ornamental trees not only add beauty and character to your lawn, but they also provide numerous environmental benefits! However, not all trees survive in every climate, so here are the 5 best ornamental trees you should plant on your Roanoke lawn. 

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lawn in the evening
Snow Mold: The Complete Guide

The snow retreating every spring is supposed to be a sign of beautiful, warm weather on the way. However, once the snow is finally gone, you may notice what it leaves behind in your grass: snow mold! What is snow mold, though?

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dandelion weeds
Common Weeds in Your North Carolina Yard

There are several common weeds that you might find in your North Carolina yard. Nobody wants to deal with them, but yet we all do anyway! North Carolina proudly boasts a variety of plant life, but unfortunately, this doesn’t stop at weeds.

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Beautiful rose shrubs in the piedmont area of NC and VA. DIY shrub care is hard, but The Green Team is here to help!
DIY Shrub Care

Shrubs are versatile plants that have tons of benefits. They can seriously boost your curb appeal while increasing your home’s value, shield your backyard from prying eyes and the sweltering sun, and they can improve air quality. Keeping your shrubs healthy is important but not always easy.

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